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What is art?

What is art?

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"Art is about feeling rather than understanding what the artist meant..."
" I don't think art is to be understood - it's to be experienced, art is not to be decoded. It is to be felt. Feeling comes before understanding."

Antony Gormley

"A work of art doesn't have to be explained. If you do not have any feeling about this, I cannot explain it to you.If this doesn't touch you, I have failed!"

Louise Bourgeois

"Art is not there to be [immediately] understood, otherwise we would have no need for it."

Joseph Beuys


"Art puts emotion into concrete"
"I am nostalgic for a time when art galleries were empty" Grayson Perry on populism and art

Grayson Perry

"The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity."

Alberto Giacometti

"Art is a passion"

Gilbert in The Critic as Artist by Oscar Wilde


"Stop thinking about art works as objects, and start thinking about them as triggers for experiences."

Brian Eno 

"The purpose  of art is not the realease ofa momentary ejection of adrenaline but rather the gradual, lifelong construction of a state of wonder and serenity."

Glenn Gould

"Art is the final cunning of the human soul which would rather do anything than face the gods"

Iris Murdoch

"I passionately hate the idea of being with it, I think an artist has always to be out of step with his time."

Orson Welles

"We are not moving towards some kind of goal. We are at the goal, and it is changing with us. If art has any purpose, it is to open our eyes to that fact."

John Cage

“Before a child speaks, it sings. Before they write, they paint. As soon as they stand, they dance. Art is the basis of human expression.”

Phylicia Rashad

 "Since art is merely and ultimately self-expressive, we conclude that the fullest art, the most individual, uninfluenced, unrepressed, uninhibited expression of art is true expression and the true art."

Allen Ginsberg

  "If the world were clear, art would not exist."

Albert Camus



"A picture means I know where I was every minute. That's why I take pictures. It's a visual diary."

Andy Warhol

"Alternate ways of seeing, thinking, feeling..."

Robert Rauschenberg

"If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint."

Edward Hopper


All art is immoral



"Being relaxed is the most important part of being creative."

Grayson Perry

"Creator, context, community."


"You have the references because you have the experiences."

Robert Rauschenberg



Art agenda



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