As well as my personal film projects, I have also worked with other film groups, including Film Morecambe and the Lancaster Photographic Society
My Film and photography projects
- Live music project includes video footage from
- Other projects
- Homeless project, which includes the film Cardboard city, shown at the 2019 Morecambe film festival.
- Journey project
- 360degree shorts of ceramics
- Events
- Capernwray dog trials 2019 film and images to raise funds for St John's Hospice, Lancaster.
- Micro car rallies
- Pro bono interviews and social media work
- Films for the National Garden Scheme
- Arnside Sailing Club
- Morecambe WInter Gardens interviews and "commercial" for social media
- Arnside and Silverdale AONB
- Corinne Young Textiles
- Lancaster Creative Counselling
- Light - artistic dental photography
- The Balloon Man - balloon modelling
- Age Concern day centres in Preston
Projects with Film Morecambe
- Pilates - Wooly Hat poems : created to promote Benjamin Guilfoyle's Wandering Poet tour.
- Creative West End pormotional video series:
See also: