When Im cleaning winddows.jpg
The Lido at Grange-over-Sands.jpg


“[Art] is the process by which… a society comes to understand itself, and by understanding, discover its possibilities of growth.”

Power and Tenderness: Robert Penn Warren on Democracy, Art, and the Integrity of the Self

"There's no such thing as wrong art"

Lynn Fotheringham

" I paint as I see, as I feel... They also feel and see like me, but they don't dare... I dare:"

Paul Cezanne, 1870

"Art is about sharing: you wouldn't be an artist if you didn't want to share an experience!"

David Hockney


"Art. Never.Apologises:"




I haven't settled on a particular medium (and probably never will!): I am always exploring. I am leaning towards a mixed media approach, though. I am currently focusing on life art and acrylics.

From 2023 onwards I have numbered and signed the art work according to the format mmxxiii.01 etc.


"In a society that profits from your self doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act."


"Just make the picture. You have the rest of your life to figure out what it means."

Keith Carter





Signed art 2024

See some of my work in a virtual gallery setting



art disturb


See also


